Hack The Box: Machines - Explore (Easy)

Introduction Today I will be dealing with the Explore machine from Hack The Box. As you can read from the post topic it's an easy machine running on Android. This is my first attempt at breaking into the Android machine, therefore I've decided to share my path to the final solution. The only thing that I know about this operating system is that it's open-source, based on Linux, and apps are commonly written in Java. Without further talking let's jump into the catacombs. Enumeration First things first - in order to attack an infrastructure you have to get as much information about the target as possible. The better you know your target the greater chance you have. So as usual I'm going to launch the nmap with default scripts and services enumeration. The command: nmap -sC -sV -p- -Pn -T4 -v -oN nmap/explore.nmap The result: So the device that we want to pwn is a phone. The machine is running Banana Studio SSH server on port 2222, ES File Explorer on...