
Showing posts from 2018

European Cybersecurity Month 2018 - outsourz3d task

Hello everyone My adventure with solving the task from different Capture The Flag contest is still in progress. About two weeks ago I decided to look at one of the tasks from European Cybersecurity Month CTF this challenge is called outsourz3d . The category of this is Reverse Engineering + MISC it sounds like a lot of fun. ;) I invite you to read about my way to solve this very curious task from scratch. If you want to solve it yourself, this is the link -> 

JIT compiler for Brainfuck language - optimization of an interpreter PART 1

Hello guys! About two weeks ago I started the project which is called "JIT compiler". The JIT compiler is the Just-In-Time compiler which means that it can compile our code faster than the standard compiler. This statement can sound very hard, but you will understand it better when I show you my way to write it in the C language. Now I can tell you that this project is curious for me and I've learned a lot while writing this so I recommend you to create such projects as JIT compiler for example. :) Assuming that you already know what compiler is and what it does I will show you the code of my JIT compiler for Brainfuck language.

Reverse Engineering Puzzles #1 - stack frame and local variables

Hello everyone While doing some experiments with C language I thought that it will be fine to share the interesting results with you. And this is what this new series is all about - when I find something curious I am going to write about it on my blog. Today's topic is the deeper look at the stack frame .

Brainfuck Interpreter in C - fifth day

Hello everyone On the last article about writing a brainfuck interpreter, we saw that it did not works well. So today I will show how I debug this program. I solve the problem by the print it method.

Brainfuck Interpreter in C - fourth day

Hello guys As you remember (or not) our interpreter has these functionalities for now: - a file has to be read as an argument - react if the file is not specified - react if the file extension is not right - react if the file is not found - read brainfuck instructions from a file - check if the char from the file is brainfuck instruction - if it is brainfuck instruction then add it to the linked list - prints all of the instructions - clear the memory (more precisely the cheap memory) from the elements of the linked list When we will have these functionalities our program should interpret any brainfuck code: - interpret brainfuck instructions right - interpret nested loops correctly - if the brainfuck instruction is '[' then push it on the stack - if memory cell value is 0 then pop '[' from the stack

Brainfuck Interpreter in C - the third day

Hello again First of all, we need to remind what are we should going to do in our interpreter. In the first topic of writing this program, I wrote some important functionalities. Now it's the time to show you what we did and what we have to do in the future.

Brainfuck Interpreter in C - second day

Hello everyone Yesterday I made some magic in our code and today I want to show you this. The most important thing that I wrote is the implementation of the linked list which can store all instructions from the file. Let's see what we already have. We have these functionalities: - a file has to be read as an argument - react if the file is not specified - react if the file extension is not right - react if the file is not found Today we will add these to our interpreter: - read brainfuck instructions from a file - check if the char from the file is brainfuck instruction - if it is brainfuck instruction then add it to the linked list

Brainfuck Interpreter in C - first day

Hi there This blog is about hacking, but also about programming. So I came up with an idea to write a Brainfuck Interpreter in C language. I will show you my road from the first day of writing this project to last day when the project will ends. I hope that you will enjoy this series of articles.

PWNing 2017 CTF - Uber Keygen Reverse Engineering task

Hello guys Sincerely I didn't have much time lately. But I've got holidays now and I will update a blog as soon as possible because I solved a few interesting tasks. Today I'm gonna show you how to crack Uber Keygen challenge. This hacking exercise is from PWNing CTF from 2017. Sincerely I had some problems with this task, but finally, I can do a write-up and I'm happy about it. :)  Let's get started.

PWNing 2017 CTF - Simple Keygen Reverse Engineering task

Today I'm gonna show you a solution of a task from pwning2017 CTF created by p4 team. I think this challenge is much simpler than the earlier one so I hope that you will understand it quickly. Here is a content ( ):

Reverse Engineering task from mini CTF

About half year ago I wrote post on the Polish forum for programmers named 4programmers. ( post ) Most of the users have recommended me tasks from the one of the CTF's, which is created by the polish CTF team p4. Since that time I learnt some Reverse Engineering and Programming stuff so finally I decided to solve one of the problem. I love to solve RE tasks so that quest gave me a lot of fun. Let's try to figure it out one more time.


Hello on my first blog! This site is about reverse engineering, binary exploatation and programming. I am a beginner so I will write the basics of above topics. (at least at the start of my adventure :) )  My idea for this blog is very simple - I want to describe my road from a beginner to an expert in RE and binary exploatation.  I thnik my articles about IT will be helpful for such beginners as me. And that is one of my goals - share the knowledge with other people. Constructive critism is welcome. I wish you pleasant reading and want to invite you to comment. Enjoy!