Learning of malware analysis. Solving 9-1 lab from the "OllyDbg" chapter. ("Practical Malware Analysis" book)

Welcome! Firstly, I have to tell you that the name of the chapter that I'm gonna present to you is confusing. I will not use OllyDbg to solve the exercises since Immunity Debugger is my choice. ImmDbg has a better UI than OllyDbg because it has a dark scheme which is an important configuration for me. Beside it, Immunity Debugger is the same as OllyDbg, therefore, my decision was made because of the impressions of the dark scheme UI. :) I'm happy that I can use a debugger since it's very useful in case of examining the complex code dynamically. Now I can simply run a debugger on the marked section of the executable code and look at the registers and memory dump - based on this information it's relatively easy to tell what an exemplary complex code really does. After the introduction, let's move on to the malware analysis of the first malicious program from the exercises.